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Selasa, 07 September 2010

Ndik, please read...

"Are you sleeping already?"
"No without you"
"Ah, come on... you're just too corny"
"Then kiss me"
"Okay, but not on the lips. Just your forehead"
"That's enough. For this night"

"Yes, hyung?" (or... "Yes, Ndik?" O_O)
"Your lips is so sweet"
"Thank you"

Eits! Jangan kaget ya, Yen a.k.a Ndik Pepsiman!
Ini aku Heechul, akan memberikanmu hadiah!!! UKH! Eew... Jangan muntah atau cemburu ngeliatnya, ya... Bayangin aja si Minho itu kamu!!! ;-P

"Carry me over there, hyung!" (or... "I will carry you, Ndik!" *3*)

"Hyung, Hyung..." (or... "Ndik, Ndik..." $3$)
" ah shit. This game sucks. "
"Hyung?" (or... "Ndik? What's wrong with you?" >,<) " ah... I can't find the cheats. "
"Okay, you do not see me, so I will just sit on your lap.
You don't mind, right?"
"What the..?!"

"Okay then, see you tomorrow"
"Be careful on way home, Taemin."
"You too, hyung" (or... "You too, Ndik" ^v^)

"are you sleeping, Taemin?"
" *wake up* hmm... yes, hyung? "
" Can I hug you? "
"Oh, sure... *still eyes closed* "
* hyung or Ndik turn Taemin *

Jadi mana yang paling hot??
Semuanya, 'kan???

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